howdy! my name is tess wei-ping (維平) and i’m a climate scientist, musician, and community member.
i’m a phd candidate at columbia university and the lamont-doherty earth observatory. my work aims to better understand hydroclimate variability and change, particularly in the Western U.S. and similar drought- and fire-prone regions around the world, using data from climate models and observations. most of my research concerns the ways that large-scale climate dynamics, like hemispheric-scale stationary waves or natural interannual-to-decadal variability, might drive changes in regional hydroclimate.
read more about my research and my cv, or get in touch with me about science here!
i’m also a freelance violinist and violist. i have experience doing studio work, playing as a soloist in bands and for events, pit orchestras, and more. get in touch with me about music here!